Hi Ioannis,
not fully clear to me what pion-pion angular correlation you refer to
(production, pion beam?,...) - could you give us more details? The
answer is yes if you refer to pion-pion production (correlated angle and
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it [mailto:owner-fluka-
> discuss_at_mi.infn.it] On Behalf Of Ioannis Kantemiris
> Sent: Mittwoch, 21. J=E4nner 2009 10:39
> To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Subject: pions correlation
> Hi all,
> one simple question.
> Does FLUKA consider pion-pion angular correlations?
> I cannot find it in the manual.
> Thank you.
> Ioannis Kantemiris
Received on Fri Jan 23 2009 - 12:05:24 CET
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