dear users,
since scintillation photon is related to only monochromatic energies
(Markus's reminder) i started to simulate just cherenkov photons but
fluka stops somehow now without giving no reasonable error.
could you please give comment what could be the problem?
i attached my working directory as well.
On Tue, 2009-01-27 at 09:02 +0100, Markus Brugger wrote:
> Hi Ercan,
> the conversion from energy to wavelength makes sense, as actually does
> the result. Contrary to Cherenkov, scintillation light in FLUKA is only
> generated for monochromatic photons (maximum of 3 different lines
> possible by repeating OPT-PROD with SCINTILL, c.f., manual 12.2.3). For
> typical problems this is sufficient as one is interested in few
> (sometimes only one, e.g., 128nm for liquid Ar) characteristic lines.
> One could possibly think of a dedicated user source routine, however
> when checking yesterday we couldn't find a readily prepared interface.
> cheers
> Markus
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