Dear Fluka users,
Is there a way to extend the irradiation time in Fluka? I want the activity of
the target or the photon production (after it is irradiated by a proton beam) in
function of irradiation time. I was hoping to produce this result through the
routine mgdraw.
I tried to use the IRRPROFI card, but if I graph the time (atrack) of all the
protons, it doesn't respect the irradiation profile given in the input file: it
is always of the order of ns, despite my irradiation is long more than 100
seconds. So if there aren't other errors in the input, either the IRRPROFI card
can only be used if it is combined with dcytimes, dcyscore, raddecay (what(1)=1)
and resnucle/usrbin and not with mgdraw (for which I used raddecay (what(1)>1)),
or the time atrack has its 0 in the moment of every single irradiation (that is
not the beginning of the my simulation).
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