Dear Denis
I want just to add a few things to DeWitt's answer.
a) I confirm that FLUKA+DPMJET simulation includes the treatment of
all fragments.
b) FLUKA+DPMJET performs the simulation in the lab frame.
If you need to consider the Au-Au collision in the c.m. frame
then you must consider something else.
c) I confirm the DeWitt's answer on predefined estimators.
The point is that if by chance you need to analize what happens in
single Au-Au collisions, this will not be exactly possible.
Using FLUKA+DPMJET you can simulate a beam of Au colliding into a
Au target. In the limit of a very thin target you can get
a good approximantion of single N-N collisions.
Giuseppe Battistoni
On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, Bertini, Denis Dr. wrote:
> Dear Fluka team,
> I am interested to simulation Au on Au collision at high energy 25
> GeV/nucleon.
> In order to make some assumption of our pipeline design we need to now
> if Fluka with
> DPMJet or RQMD will produce proper Spectator fragment distribution
> - meaning type - energy - direction.
> So i have the following question
> - can i assess this question about nuclear spectator fragment with
> Fluka at all or should i choose an external event generator.
> - if yes, can i score the nuclear fragment using some fluka predefined
> estimators or should i write a dedicated user routine for that,
> thanks in advance for the answer,
> Denis Bertini
> =
> GSI Darmstadt
Received on Sat Mar 14 2009 - 09:12:58 CET
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