Hi Thilo
First one general suggestion about your geometry is to avoid having RPPs
with coincident surfaces. You can easily rebuilt your geometry with
one RPP for the soil and a few well planes for your different soil
areas and the cavern.
You can obtain the number of neutrons per incident muons entering
the cavern using USRBDX. In this case you are scoring all neutrons into
the cavern (using one way scoring) including neutrons from spallation, n2n
in the soil... not only the ones originating from muon interactions.
If you want to know the neutron multiplicity from muons, you can use the
USERDUMP card/MGDRAW routine (USRDRAW entry) to score the energy
and number of secondary neutrons. Pay special attention to the
renormalization (write the weight if your are not sure your
problem is not 100% analog).
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it on behalf of thiloshana_r_at_yahoo.com
Sent: Wed 3/18/2009 7:32 PM
To: fluka
Subject: Neutron Multiplicity
Hi ,
I am trying to calculate the number of neutrons produced per muon event( neutron multplicity).I am working on a muon beam of 184 GeV and this beam falls on a rock region of 20mx20mx20m.Inside the region is a cavern of 6mx6mx6m.the cavern is divided into 6 sides RT ( Top region ), RB ( bottom region), RS1, RS2, RS3, RS4 ( the sides of the cavern).I can calculate the number of neutrons on each side of the cavern but I don't know how to find the number of neutrons per muon event.Could you help me? I have attached the input file for your convenience.
Received on Mon Mar 23 2009 - 18:37:46 CET
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