Dear Eva
very likely you are compiling VMC won a 64 bit machine without using the
-m32 flag. The Fluka library is 32-bit compatible, it can be used on 64
bit machines provided gcc/g77 etc are invoked with -m32.
Best regards
| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: |
| Switzerland || |
On Thu, 9 Apr 2009, Eva Sicking wrote:
> Dear all,
> during compiling fluka_vmc I get an error:
> /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible =
> /home/esicking/alice/myFlukaArea/libflukahp.a when searching for =
> -lflukahp
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lflukahp
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** =
> [/home/esicking/alice/fluka_vmc/source/../lib/tgt_linuxx8664gcc/libfluka.=
> so] Error 1
> But the file libflukahp.a, which is not found, is in the directory! Why
> is it incompatible?
> For myFlukaArea, I downloaded fluka2008.3b-linuxAA.tar.gz.
> Thanks for your help!
> Cheers, Eva
Received on Thu Apr 09 2009 - 13:51:06 CEST
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