Dear Jean-Emmanuel
if you score total energy deposition you see more than just proton recoil
(de-excitations etc.) Deposition from proton recoil can be scored
selecting depoistion from just protons.
You can do that with a separate detector using one of the selection
method described in the manual (user routines fluscw or comscw or AUXSCORE
data card).
However notice that the detailed production of proton recoil
exists in FLUKA (for neutrons below 20 MeV) only for few selected
elements. Hydrogen is one of these (look into the manual for reference)
Giuseppe Battistoni
Jean-Emmanuel Groetz wrote:
> Dear Fluka experts,
> I would like to calculate the recoil proton energy spectrum in an
> organic scintillator, such as BC501-A, NE213 or stilbene after neutron
> irradiation (monokinetic beam) between 2 and 15 MeV.
> Since the n-p scattering is isotropic in the center of mass system in
> this energy range, the energy spectrum of the recoil protons should have
> a rectangular shape between 0 and En. Due to edge effects, the spectrum
> should have a decreasing slope (without taking into account the
> nonlinear light output with energy).
> In order to get it, I used the DETECT card to score the energy
> deposition in my region of scintillation. But this spectrum showed a
> strong peak near the incident energy of neutrons. I can mentioned that
> the shape of the spectrum seems to be correct at 70 MeV for example.
> Does anybody succeed in this kind of simulation with Fluka ?
> Did I misunderstand the results ?
> Thanks for your help.
> Jean-Emmanuel
Received on Thu May 14 2009 - 18:13:35 CEST
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