Hi Vitaly,
There is no way for the user to load external low-energy neutron cross
sections. Please contact the developers if additional cross sections are
vital for your studies.
Best regards
On Mon, 1 Jun 2009, Vitaly Pronskikh wrote:
> Dear FLUKA Experts,
> if I want to use for neutron transport calculations a material,
> like La-139, which is not in the FLUKA neutron library, is it
> possible to run FLUKA with an external library for those
> elements, and is there a way how to introduce external neutron
> library data in FLUKA ?
-- ___________________________________ Stefan Roesler CERN, DG-SCR CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland Phone: +41-22-7679891 Fax: +41-22-7669639 E-mail: Stefan.Roesler_at_cern.chReceived on Thu Jun 04 2009 - 17:49:54 CEST
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