It is just what I meant with:
> Menwhile I will try a non-root installation from source
and as I expected, it works.
On 10/giu/09, at 17:30, Konstantin Batkov wrote:
> Ciao,
> Why don't you just untar the binaries from the .tar.gz file?
> Konstantin
> 2009/6/10 Salvatore Podda <>
> Dear Fluka experts,
> I'm trying to install fluka-2008.3-7.i386.rpm without root
> access (is the usual way
> we follow before asking for a system-wide installation of codes or
> applicatons).
> I am using the following syntax:
> [user_at_host:dir] rpm -iv --force /fluka-2008.3-7.i386.rpm --root
> user_home --prefix user_home -dbpath var/lib/rpm --nodeps
> Preparing packages for installation...
> fluka-2008.3-7
> error: unpacking of archive failed on file /etc/profile.d/fluka.csh;
> 4a2fc164: cpio: open failed - Permission denied
> [user_at_host:dir]
> The rpm is trying to write in the "/etc" root directory instead to
> point to the "user_home/etc". It looks like in the rpmbuild the root
> prefix
> was missed in the path "etc/profile.d".
> Is this correct or I am making some other mistakes?
> Menwhile I will try a non-root installation from source
> Best Regards
> Salvatore Podda
Received on Wed Jun 10 2009 - 19:44:02 CEST
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