dear all,
i am trying to simulate nuclear fragmentations before/inside/after a
water target.
i attached my *.inp, *.flair, and mgdraw.for as well.
i would like to be glad for any comments to those questions:
1. bragg curve does not cohorent to Geant4. with Fluka it is about 37cm
while 25cm with Geant4.
what did i miss?
2. how to find an avarage number of each particles at entrance/exit
surfaces of target?
3. how to find a distribution of each nuclear fragment deviation from
beam direction (delta theta) at target entrance/exit surface?
(frequency vs. theta [degree])
4. how to find an energy distribution of each nuclear fragmentation at
target entrance/exit surface?
(frequency vs. energy [MeV/n])
thank you all
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