Dear Sir,
Thank you. now i can clear my ideas. I will implement these points.
About Auxscore card: In manual page no 66, there is information about
auxscore card on that page at the bottom for sdum default is given as
Form this i thought that the default for SDUM is AMB74. Also I checked my
results for with following input
AUXSCORE card SDUM=not given
The both are same so that I have concluded that default SDUM of USRBIN is
Thanking you.
> Dear Mr. Patil,
> you have listed 4 issues, but they do not look all as if they were
> questions.
> Anyway I will try to comment them.
>> 1. Dr Andrea suggest me to use two AUXSCORE with SDUM =AMB74 for
>> dose-equivalent and without SDUM for dose calculation . But the default
>> setting is AMB74 for SDUM in auxscore card. That gives the same results
>> as
>> it was before.
> How do you know that "the default setting is AMB74 for SDUM in auxscore
> card"?
> The manual does not say it, and indeed there is no default SDUM in the
> program. If you want AMB74, you MUST set SDUM equal to it.
>> 2. As I am passing 15MeV electron on Tungsten. I have made Pcut in 15MeV
>> in water phantom. And this gives me the maximum dose deposited by
>> photon.
>> But as all the photons are get deposited in few milimeters of water. So
>> there is no photons in forward direction.
> Is this a question? Of course, if you set the transport cutoff for photons
> equal to the maximum energy of the primaries, photons will never be
> transported
> and their energy will be deposited at point of production, as I have
> written
> in my previous e-mail. And of course there is no photons in forward
> direction.
> It is just an artifact. What is the problem you see?
>> 3. Actually I want to caluate the depth dose curve in water. How can I
>> calculate?
> Set the transport and the production cutoffs of both electrons and photons
> low enough so that the particles with energies lower than the cutoff
> would have a residual range (for electrons) or an attenuation length (for
> photons) small with respect to the space resolution with which you
> want to get the dose curve. Remember that positrons annihilate at the
> point where they are stopped, emitting two 511 keV photons: so, in any
> case set the photon cutoff lower than 511 keV, otherwise their energy
> is deposited where the positron stop, which is not correct.
>> 4. We have measure the dose of the system by ionization chamber and it
>> is
>> giving 6000Rad/min at 1 meter. I want to check this with fluka. I have
>> converted the fluence spectra to dose and it is giving me near about
>> same
>> answer. I am trying, Is it possible to get the same using dose (228)
>> option of the fluka ? so that I dont have to convert it.
> Yes, that is the normal way to do it.
>> Shall I consider the all particle dose to find out the depth dose curve
>> in
>> water phantom and the dose calculation ?
> Yes.
>> Sir I have one more question can you write something on How the
>> dose-equivalent is calculated in fluka? or if it is written somewhere
>> point it out to me.
> The dose equivalent is calculated by folding fluence with published
> conversion coefficients. See
> S. Roesler and G.R. Stevenson
> deq99.f - A FLUKA user-routine converting fluence into
> effective dose and ambient dose equivalent
> Technical Note CERN-SC-2006-070-RP-TN, EDMS No. 809389 (2006)
> Originally, this was a user routine to be invoked by command USERWEIG,
> but now it has been included into the standard FLUKA package with a few
> adjustments, and is called via AUXSCORE. I attach it to this mail for your
> information.
> Kind regards,
> Alberto
Mr. Bhushankumar Jagnnath Patil.
Microtron Accelerator Lab.
Department of Physics,
University of Pune,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007
Ph. No. Off. 020-25692678 Ext. 421
Mob. 9823968377
Alternate e-mail
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