Dear Johannes,
first of all, I would suggest to give a look at the informations
that you get automatically at the end of each FLUKA run, in the
part "Summary of the FLUKA run" of the file [].out.
There you find already the list of all produced particles:
- the list of secondaries, that are generated in inelastic interactions;
- the list of secondaries, that are generated as decay products.
All the numbers you find are given per beam particle, together with the
relative abundance.
Since you are sending a proton beam on a copper target, I guess that you
could be interested to get the list of the particles, that emerge
from your target.
In this case you could use the MGDRAW user routine: in the BXDRAW
entry (that you activate by using the USERDUMP card with what(3)<7,
see online manual,13.2.13) you can save the information about
the kind of particle, that crosses the boundary between the copper
and the region around, through the variable Jtrack in the common TRACKR.
The use of MGDRAW, however, is for expert users. If it is straightforward
to list all the kind of particles emerging from your target, on the other
hand you have to be careful with the numbers you evaluate: the secondary
particle you are following could have a weight different from 1 (i.e.
in case you are using the BIASING option, or in the multigroup treatment
of low energy neutrons, below 20 MeV).
You have then to save also the variable Weight (always in the TRACKR
If you want to calculate the yield - as double differential
distribution, in energy and solid angle - of secondary particles, that
come out from your target, it is recommended to use cards like USRBDX or
USRYIELD, as you probably already know.
Hope it helps..
> Dear FLUKA experts,
> I am sending a proton beam on a fixed copper target.
> Is there a possibility to get a "list" of particles which where
> produced, i.e. do I have to use a certain card?
> Thank you very much,
> Johannes
Received on Fri Jul 17 2009 - 09:27:48 CEST
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