Dear Nikolaos,
does it help, if you replace the lines:
A simple Be target inside vacuum
0 0 A simple Be target inside vacuum
I guess you took the example just by cut & paste from the fluka-homepage,
but you can find also a version in the fluka directory $FLUPRO, it is called
"example.inp". There you can find the two zero's in the second line which
are somehow missing in the program on the fluka-homepage. I remember that
I got stuck this way and I could resolve it adding the two zero's. I hope
I remember it correctly.
Best wishes,
Quoting Nikolaos Charitonides <>:
> Dear fluka experts/users,
> Though I am written to the list for a lot of time, I am a fluka
> beginner, and this is the first time asking a question. I hope I don't
> disturb you a lot from your work...
> I installed fluka from the source code, in a Debian/Lenny linux server.
> I installed g77 from old repository (etch) and I compiled fluka.
> Everything seemed to be ok, but, when trying to run the fixed format
> simple example code located on the "Begginer's guide"
> ( the following error
> occurs:
> jheremias_at_postel:~/fluka/flukawork$ $FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -N0 -M5 flukatest
> $FLUPRO = /home/jheremias/fluka
> $PEMF = /home/jheremias/fluka/libec_thihecufealw_10t.pemf
> Initial seed copied from /home/jheremias/fluka
> Running fluka in /home/jheremias/fluka/flukawork/fluka_17291
> ======================= Running FLUKA for cycle # 1 =======================
> /home/jheremias/fluka/flutil/rfluka: line 338: 17317 Aborted
> (core dumped) ${EXE} < $INPN 2> $LOGF > $LOGF
> jheremias_at_postel:~/fluka/flukawork$
> Please, maybe do you have any idea of what the problem is ? Neither an
> *.err file is produced, and no other information is provided...
> Thanks in advance,
> N. Charitonides
Received on Wed Jul 22 2009 - 11:02:47 CEST
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