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Dear Lawrence,
try this:
You will gain about a factor 7 in speed.
You may also consider changing your DEFAULTS card. PRECISIO is
always taking a lot of CPU time: do you really need it?
Check on the manual what the settings of PRECISIO are, and see if you
can get what you need using instead NEW-DEFA, possibly improved with some=
additional commands.
On Tue, 11 Aug 2009, Lawrence Mhatiwa wrote:
> Dear Fluka Users
> =A0
> Iam characterising photoneutrons produced by a 15MV photon beam on
> Medical Linear Accelerator.My problem is that my simulation takes too
> long to finish.For example with one million histories the one cycle
> takes two to three days.Given the fact that one electron generates
> 1.0e-05 .It means that for this study i need more than 10 million
> histories in order to have a reasonable uncertainty in my simulation.
> =A0
> Can someone help me on how to=A0speedup my=A0simulations but at the same
> time using a reasonable number of histories. I have attached my input
> file=A0for=A0you to see where i can modify it.
> =A0
> Please help
> =A0
> Lawrence Mhatiwa
> =A0
> University Of Free State
> South Africa
Alberto Fasso`
SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025
Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569
Received on Tue Aug 11 2009 - 23:28:14 CEST
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