Dear Nikolaos,
we have used IRRPROFI with WHAT(2) = 0.0 many times without any problem.
If the program crashes, it means there is something else wrong with
your input. Please send your input file, as well as the *.out and the *.log
> 1) I want the results normalized to 1 incident particle. Does the value
> 1.0 on the WHAT(2) field represents that ?
FLUKA results are ALWAYS normalized to 1 incident particle, independent
of your input.
The value 1.0 on the WHAT(2) field means simply 1 particle per second.
> 2) What is the physical meaning of the value 0.0 particles per second ?
It means there is no beam in the time interval concerned. For instance,
you can have x particles/sec for one month, a two-days shutdown, and again
x particles/sec for another month: for the two-days shutdown period,
you assign WHAT(2) = 0.0.
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009, Nikolaos Charitonides wrote:
> Dear FLUKA experts,
> Excuse me for the maybe dump question...
> In the FLUKA online manual, as far as the IRRPROFI command is concerned
> ( it says that the value
> 0.0 for the Beam Intensity is accepted.
> Unfortunately, when I apply this value to my code, the program crashes. So
> I have two questions:
> 1) I want the results normalized to 1 incident particle. Does the value
> 1.0 on the WHAT(2) field represents that ?
> 2) What is the physical meaning of the value 0.0 particles per second ?
> Thank you in behalf,
> Best Regards,
> N. Charitonides
-- Alberto Fasso` SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025 Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569 fasso_at_slac.stanford.eduReceived on Tue Aug 18 2009 - 13:24:37 CEST
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