Dear fluka experts
On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 I sent a request of support concerning the estimation of
99Mo yield from neutron induced 235U fission.
In a first Fluka run the fissions in 235U has been estimated to be 2.09 per
primary neutron and the saturation activity of 99Mo was 2.3058E-04
atom/fission (4.75E-04 atom/pr). This results is at least 2 order of
magnitude below the expected results of 0.06 atom/fission. Evidently
something was missed in the simulations and I try to post the problem to the
FLUKA-DISCUSS mailing list. Unfortunately, I send the mail in HTML format
making unreadable the attached files and turning this simple exercise in an
unsolvable problem. As usual, with a little bit of concentration, I found the
solution of the problem a couple of days after I have posted my request of
I think that will be useful to other user to have track of my solution.
For this reason I attached a short comment file on the results and the two
input files relatives to the simulation.
Hoping that it helps
-- Nunzio Burgio ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Enviroment FPN FISION ENEA C.R. CASACCIA S.P. Anguillarese Roma-Italia Tel +396-3048-3410 Fax +396-3048-4874
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