Hi Olaf
the correct variable for what you want to do is LTRACK!
| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: Alfredo.Ferrari_at_cern.ch |
| Switzerland || |
On Mon, 28 Sep 2009, Olaf Hartmann wrote:
> Dear listmembers,
> I've a question concerning the BXDRAW entry in mgdraw.f. Is there a
> possibility to access the information whether a particle crossing the
> border out off the target is a beam particle (which did not interact in
> the target)? So far I do this by checking whether the momentum is still
> that of the beam particles. In this way I've to recompile mgdraw each
> time the incident momentum changes.
> I thought I could use the MTRACK variable in TRACKR, but it's always
> zero for all particles.
> Kindly,
> Olaf.
Received on Mon Sep 28 2009 - 12:29:41 CEST
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