Dear experts,
The manual states:
Complete suppression of multiple scattering can be useful in
some particular cases, for instance when replacing a gas of
extremely low density by a gas of the same composition but of
much larger density in order to increase the frequency of
inelastic interactions or bremsstrahlung reactions (of course,
the results must then be scaled by the density ratio). In such
a case, one should also select the biased density so that
no re-interaction of secondaries can take place.
How exactly can I select the biased density, and does the density
scaling has to reflect the physical density difference, which may be
huge (12 orders of magnitude between standard pressure and some
accelerator vacua).
Maybe somebody has an example for electron interactions in a rarefied
gas ?
Thank you for clarification,
Thomas OTTO
Head, Dosimetry Service
Radiation Protection Accelerators Meyrin
1211 Gen=E8ve 23
Received on Tue Nov 17 2009 - 12:59:19 CET
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