Hello Angelo,
You should define some cooling time (card DCYTIMES) and some link
between those cooling times (card DCYSCORE) and your detectors
(RESNUCLEi or USRBIN) and some irradiation profile (card IRRPROFIle)
(see manual for those options). The RADDECAY card only is not enough to
get radioactive activites.
Hope it helps.
Angelo Infantino wrote :
> Good morning to everyone,
> i'm trying to calculate the activity in the several regions of my
> target. I know that i produce some radionuclides during the
> irradiation by protons of my target but the value of the activity in
> the several regions is always 0.0000E+00. How it's possible? I'm also
> tryed to active the RADDECAY card but i obtain the same result. What
> is wrong in my input file? I attach the .inp file.
> Thank you very much for yours help.
> Regards
> Angelo Infantino
> <http://www.windowslive.it/moviemaker.aspx>
Received on Tue Nov 24 2009 - 13:58:49 CET
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