but probably i don't have understood very good.
I tryed to do a simplest simulation to understand better the use of this card but
i have the same results.
Activity 0.0000E+00 and Resnuclei empty. What is wrong?
Another question. What mean have the number of primary when i put a
particle current in the IRRPROFI card?
For example if i put primary=100 and p/s=100000, what is the number
of particle that i'm simulating??? 100 or 100000?
Thank you
Angelo Infantino
> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 12:50:42 +0100
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Activity value 0.0000E+00???
> Hello Angelo,
> You should define some cooling time (card DCYTIMES) and some link
> between those cooling times (card DCYSCORE) and your detectors
> (RESNUCLEi or USRBIN) and some irradiation profile (card IRRPROFIle)
> (see manual for those options). The RADDECAY card only is not enough to
> get radioactive activites.
> Hope it helps.
> Regards.
> Sebastien.
> Angelo Infantino wrote :
> > Good morning to everyone,
> > i'm trying to calculate the activity in the several regions of my
> > target. I know that i produce some radionuclides during the
> > irradiation by protons of my target but the value of the activity in
> > the several regions is always 0.0000E+00. How it's possible? I'm also
> > tryed to active the RADDECAY card but i obtain the same result. What
> > is wrong in my input file? I attach the .inp file.
> > Thank you very much for yours help.
> > Regards
> >
> > Angelo Infantino
> > <>
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