Dear FLUKA friends,
A very nice person will do thermal calculations for me in Ansys. In
order to do this he needs me to provide him with a USRBIN output file in
a special format, he calls it 5 column output. Apparently this is
something that is often used at CERN. Unfortunately I haven't been able
to find any information about this among the FLUKA discussions.
Can anybody out there give me hints on how to create an output with
this format? Since I already have all the results it would be great if I
could rearrange my existing output. So, I need mostly to understand what
it means. :)
Many many thanks in advance for any help I can get
Wish you all a merry Christmas!
Maja Olvegaard
Phone: +41 22 76 77 130
Received on Tue Dec 15 2009 - 20:19:59 CET
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