Dear FLUKA experts,
I am calculating full energy peak-efficiency of a (broad energy) HPGe
detector. The simulations were carried out using the nominal values for
the dimensions of the detector provided by the manufacturer. No
optimization of these was carried out so far. The calculations were also
carried out with MCNPX and PENELOPE, and a good agreement was found
between the three codes.
The differences found between the experimental and the simulation
results vary between 15% and 25% (the simulated efficiencies are higher
than the experimental ones) in the energy range of 50-1500 keV.
Do you think this is acceptable? If not, do you have any suggestion to
explain the discrepancies?
Thank you very much in advance for any help you can provide.
Best regards,
Raul Luis
ITN, Portugal
Received on Wed Jan 20 2010 - 18:19:07 CET
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