Dear Francesco Cerutti,
Many thanks for your answer. I have already changed low mat card according
to U-238. Regarding problem in running, initially it was running up to 10^7
history but now even for 10^5 history the timed out problem appears,
although each time after run I delete all the generated output files , log
files etc to save space for the next run. This problem in running files
appears for other input files also. Is RAM of 768MB not sufficient for
running FLUKA.
With regards
--- On Sat, 6/2/10, Francesco Cerutti <> wrote:
From: Francesco Cerutti <>
Subject: Re: problem in running
Date: Saturday, 6 February, 2010, 7:22 PM
Dear Mausumi,
it is hard to precisely identify your problem. Since the job
turns out to be killed, and not aborted, I do not think that it
concerns FLUKA itself but points at some issue regarding the way
your sistem handles jobs, perhaps due to RAM unavailability or
time limit on CPU occupancy. Does the run regularly end for less
About your input, notice that:
i. the VACUUM material definition is pointless (you are not
allowed to re-define (?!) the pre-defined VACUUM and the card is
ii. the needed LOW-MAT card associates your URANIUM with ...
nothing. So the first material in the low energy neutron cross
section library is taken, and you are going to use, for
transport in natural uranium of low energy neutrons coming from
muon nuclear interactions, the cross sections of natural
hydrogen bound in water.
Best regards
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
On Fri, 5 Feb 2010, wrote:
> Dear Fluka users,
> I have installed recent linux version of fluka with flair
> but while running in flair it is stopped with problem
> "timed out" for statistics of even 10^5 and while running
> in terminal it is terminated with error message
> "flutil/rfluka: line 329: 16340 killed
> *$(EXE)*<*$INPN* 2>*$LOGF*> *$LOGF* ".
> Hereby I am sending the input files as attachment.
> Please suggest.
> With regards
> mausumi
Received on Thu Feb 11 2010 - 12:52:15 CET
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