Dear Anna,
thank you very much for your effort.
In practice those fragments are not of importance, though excluding them
from the writeout should not hurt.
The entries with z>40cm I've observed, too, in fact this would have been
my next question. Naively thought the boundary crossing should always
appear exactly at z=40cm. Actually I'm also interested in those
particles which missed the target, i.e. continue to travel in vacuum.
Is it an option/possible to adjust the step size? Or I could redefine
the regions, the material of the target does not count at this point
because only the boundary crossing should be counted.
On 02/19/2010 04:39 PM, Anna Ferrari wrote:
> Ciao Olaf,
> with your user routines (that I used in a simplified way, without filling
> ntuples and without root) I could finally reproduce your crash.
> It seems to me that this happen when in your BXDRAW entry you want to
> store the informations about the first fragment heavier then alpha, that
> crosses your boundary crossing. For this event, that is normally processed
> if I don't ask about any AM(Jtrack) information, I read:
> Icode, Jtrack, Etrack = 49, -8, 5.61523894
> I obtain a crash simply asking for a print of Am(Jtrack) in BXDRAW. Since
> you need the Am(Jtrack) value in your BXDRAW entry, you experience the
> crash. The reason is that the infos about heavy fragments produced are
> stored in a special stack, you don't find it in the common TRACKR.
> Suggestions (maybe somebody more experienced then me can better comment):
> - to store all the informations about particles, that are NOT heavy ions,
> you can cure the problem simply requiring (Jtrack.GE.-6) before all your
> conditions on the energy and on the rest mass of the particles, and before
> filling your ntuple (I tried and it runs without problems, at least
> for 10^6 events);
> - on the other hand, if you are intersted to save infos about the
> fragments heavier then alpha, you have to access the common FHEAVY: there
> you find for example the variables (I read in the common) Amheav and
> Amnhea, respectively for the atomic and the nuclear mass of the fragment
> (along with the other characteristics of the ion).
> I would like, also, to bring your attention on another point.
> I'm not sure that your scoring surface (the plane just before the target)
> is doing always what you really want. Looking at some variables, that I
> printed at your boundary crossing, I saw that in some case you have
> particles with Zsco>40 (I put in attachment just an example). This means
> (somebody more experienced then me can correct me, please!) that the step
> in the tracking, that is needed to cross the boundary, is greater then the
> distance between the scoring surface (at z=39.999) and the plane, that is
> parallel to the initial face of the target (at z=40.). Since you score
> between the two regions, that you call PIPE and VOID (and this last does
> not contain your cylindrical target), it seems to me that in this way you
> don't save all these events (many of them are muons), where the step
> needed to cross the boundary is larger then the distance defined above and
> the arrival point is inside the target....
> that's all for the moment!
> Cheers,
> Anna
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