Dear FLUKA users
Flair V0.8 has been released
Apart from several bug fixes the most important additions are the
- Improvements in the Input Editor with most important
* Tip help for every item, value as well bodies in the region definitions
* Indentation of cards
* Accelerated display
* Multiple editing, by selecting a range of similar cards
* ...
- Customized file dialog to easier searching, deleting, renaming files as well
creation of new folders
- FLUGG support
- MCNP exporting to macro bodies
- Improved Customize dialog and Gnuplot definitions
- Multiple selection for rules editing in "Data merge"
- Expansion of parenthesis
- Improvements in the plotting:
- All predefined plots are fully customizable through gnuplot styles
- Selection of line format
- Rebinning of USRBINs
- Gnuplot reference in the manual
- Addition of new options that will be available in the new FLUKA release
The complete change log can be found in the ChangeLog file
Best Regards
Vasilis Vlachoudis
P.S. This message is sent to the fluka-users and fluka-discuss lists as
well as to some other lists internal to the FLUKA Collaboration. I
apologize to all those who will get it twice or more
Received on Fri Mar 12 2010 - 16:52:47 CET
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