Dear Masters of Fluka,
I am running simulations of X-ray region interactions (8 keV to 30 keV)
using Fluka for the synchrotron I have an internship with and have had
some good results so far.
I've been comparing results from Fluka to NIST and the X-Ray Data
Booklet tables, and the comparison has been quite good - consistently
41-43 eV differences for copper X-ray transitions, the gold results are
not as consistent - but are in some cases more accurate. I am trying to
understand why I do have one transition with an intensity almost double
of what is shown in the tables.
So for these reasons, I'm exploring Fluka's handling of fluorescence,
and noticed that Fluodt.dat is a binary file. Is there an ASCII copy
available of Fluodt.dat anywhere?
--Nicholas Bolibruch
Received on Wed Mar 17 2010 - 10:18:33 CET
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