Dear Leena,
in order to have a pure CSDA calculation, you have to turn off the
Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS), the treatment of nuclear reactions
(NUC) and the energy loss fluctuations (FLUC), see for example the
following presentation - slide number 12 - for a 200 proton beam in water
for the effect of the different approximations:
About the physics options:
- for turning off hadron elastic scattering and inelastic reactions:
look in the manual at command THRESHOL (WHAT(3) and WHAT(4)).
you have to set those values at very high energy (larger than that of the
proton beam)
- for turning off MCS of primary and secondary charged hadrons:
look in the manual at command MCSTHRESh (WHAT(1) and WHAT(2)).
"set WHAT(1) and/or WHAT(2) to a negative number with absolute value
LARGER than beam energy, in this case no MCS is performed at all"
- for turning off FLUC,
look in the manual at command IONFLUCT (WHAT(1)),
WHAT(1) =< -1.0 : restricted energy loss fluctuations (for hadrons
and muons) switched off
- for turning off the production of secondary delta rays
look in the manual at command DELTARAY (WHAT(1))
WHAT(1) < 0.0 : resets the default to infinite threshold, i.e. no delta ray
> Hello,
> I'm simulating 200 MeV and 60 MeV protons in water target. I have used
> DEFAULT with HADROTHE card for full calculation, which seemed to be right.
> However I have a problem in CSDA calculation. Could you please tell me
> which
> physics options can be used to calculate the CSDA for protons in water.
> Regards
> Leena=
Received on Wed Mar 31 2010 - 17:23:51 CEST
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