Dear Leena,
I believe you are referring to the message supplied by flair. Flair is
trying to find out the status of the fluka run based on the activity on
the output files generated by FLUKA. If you request too many particles
it can happen that FLUKA takes a lot of time before it dumps any output
information, then flair thinks that the run is frozen. If you click on
the button "Attach" it will try to find out the current run-status
again, or you can either increase the output verbosity of a run by
changing the frequency of reporting with WHAT(5) on the START card, or
you can change the timeout of flair in the configuration of flair
Vasilis wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm simulating 200 MeV protons in water. When I have increased the history
> number from 100000 to 1 million the running has stopped with (Time-out) note.
> Even when it has been adjusted to one cycle. I tried to find out the error
> but it was not clear to me. Could you please tell me why and how can
> I do it correctly?
> Leena
Received on Wed Apr 07 2010 - 09:42:23 CEST
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