Dear Fan Lei
the maximum number of materials is 710.
It is possible that there is some mistake in one of your last materials.
Could you please send the input and output files?
Concerning fluka-discuss: your message appeared as sent from a non-member
of the list. It may happen that these messages get delayed or sometimes
lost. Are you subscribed to fluka-discuss? with the same e-mail?
> Dear Paola & Alberto
> Forwarded is a message I sent to the discussion list but it did not show
> up
> in circulation.
> I have an input file which uses more than 180 materials in the geometry.
> It
> worked fine with old releases but not the latest one.
> It works if I reduce the number of materials used to <= 180.
> What's the default limit for the number of materials that can be used in a
> geometry? Can the user change it and how?
> Regards
> Fan
> _____
> From: Fan Lei []
> Sent: 08 April 2010 11:36
> To: ''
> Subject: Maximum number of material allowed
> Dear FLUKA Team,
> What is the maximum number of material a simulation can have? It seems
> this
> number has been reduced in the latest release, I have problem when running
> with > 180 materials. The same input file worked with older releases.
> There is a similar problem with the number of scorers the user is allowed
> to
> define. It too seems to have been reduced.
> How can the user increase these values?
> -------------------------------------------
> Fan Lei, Ph.D.
> Principal Scientist
> Aerospace Division
> 1004/A8, QinetiQ
> Cody Technology Park
> Farnborough, GU14 0LX
> U.K.
> Tel. 44-1252-393904 Fax. 44-1252-396320
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
Received on Fri Apr 09 2010 - 15:06:07 CEST
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