Dear all,
This has reference to my previous mail.
There I have attached my input file as well as the .out, .err and .log file for
the crashed cycle. As due to some trouble, only the input file is readable,
I am attaching the line from the out file, where it calls for abort.
The line goes like this
"Abort called from HHFLEV reason STOP:HHFLEV-HADRIV Run stopped! STOP STOP:HHFLEV-HADRIV".
It ran for the first two cycles without trouble, but from 3rd cycle onwards,
it crashed. Even restarting this is of no use.
Any help in this matter will be highly appreciated.
With Regards,
S. Chatterjee
Scientific Officer,
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,
1/AF, Bidhannagar,Kolkata-64
Received on Fri Apr 23 2010 - 09:31:56 CEST
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