The only thing that you can do is to run two fluka jobs at the same time.
The system will assign automatically the jobs to two different cores.
Of course, if you run the same problem at the same time, you must
provide a different random seed (see RANDOMIZ command) and you must avoid
to overwrite the output of one job with the other.
To avoid this you can:
a) either change name for the input file
b) or run the jobs from different working directories
Best regards
Giuseppe Battistoni
XuLijun wrote:
> Dear Fluka experts:
> I found only one core of CPU (Intel E8400)was used when I started a
> FLUKA run. How can I change settings to use both of them at one time?
> Thank you in advance.
Received on Tue May 04 2010 - 18:01:19 CEST
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