Dear Ali
the code is known to give photopeak and Compton edges very much consistent
with other codes. By the way, for a detector of the dimensions you quote,
they are among the easiest things to compute correctly. Are you sure your
input is error-free?
Best regards
| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: |
| Switzerland || |
On Thu, 20 May 2010, Ali Koosha wrote:
> Thanks very much.
> 1. It seems that the retrieved spectrum (provided by DETECT) is not
> compatible with other codes (EGS5 and MCNP) and experimental results. A
> normalization by maximum naturally gives the same photpeak efficiency, but
> the Compton edge and escape peaks become out of scale (by orders of
> magnitude). Normalization by average, makes the photopeak efficiency wrong,
> however the Compton edge is good. These all denotes that the "shape" of the
> result is not correct.
> 2. About the units of the DETECT cards, my confusion relies on the magnitude
> of calculated data. In the case of a simple 2"x2" cylindrical detector
> exposed to 1.0 MeV gamma-rays, the output of about 1.0e-40. I have not any
> interpretation for this.
> Regards
> Ali
Received on Thu May 20 2010 - 15:10:04 CEST
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