Dear Mojdeh,
the generalized particle SI1MEVNE (Silicon 1 MeV Neutron Equivalent
Fluence) gives you the fluence of 1 MeV neutrons producing the same
damage in a silicon detector as induced by an arbitrary particle fluence
with a given energy distribution. It is a quantity often used to
quantify radiation damage in silicon due to NIEL (Non Ionizing Energy
However if you want to calculate correctly the NIEL or DPA please give a
look in the talk for DPA
For the moment the functions and the DPA/NIEL related functionality are
not present in the public release of FLUKA but exist only in the
development version. It will be available in the next release.
On 06/02/2010 03:40 PM, mojdeh najm wrote:
> Dear Fluka developer and users
> I want to calculate damage in silicon device and I knew that with define
> SI1MEVNE in the fluence estimator like USRTRACK, we can calculate
> fluence of "1-MeV n equivalent particle" but i think we must do some
> procedure:
> d/E/de/d/x/=integral of(/E/dis d/S) /= /N/A Integral of (/D(E)F(E) /d/E
> )// // /[MeV cmâ??1]/./
> /(For getting NIEL)/
> /Now my questions are:/
> /1) My concept and solution is right or wrong?/
> /2) If it is right, for calculation of above formula, it needs damage
> function that I saw it in fluka out file as a library./
> /can I use them as damage function? And what's its unit?/
> /3) Is it useful for cascade damage or just point defect( both of
> SI1MEVNE and NIEL formula)?/
> /Regards/
> /Mojdeh Anjom///
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