Hi Chris and Marco!
Thank you for your answers!
I'm starting by dulpicating and rotating regions with SimpleGeo, in order
to visualize the geometry in 3D. Simply using the LATTICE card and importing
the input file in SimpleGeo,allows me to see just the original region and,
where the replica should appear, just a bounding box with no internal
structure shows up.
I deleted the LATTICE card and I'm trying directly from SimpleGeo. But I'm
not able to create a correct geometry after duplication. Could you please
help me?
In attachment is a simple test file (Simple.inp). What I make is:
- open SimpleGeo and import the *inp file
- click on the "Group" button
- drag and drop regions 5,6 and 7 in the created group node
- select this group and create a copy ("create replica from group").
At this point a warning shows up: "Not all references have been relinked
because there might be references to source nodes that are defined outside
the replica! Changing them might have an impact on other parts of the geometry!
Please check this manually!"
- click OK
- select the replica-group and rotate it of 180 deg (Rot-X0 deg)
- select the replica group and convert the relative coordinate frames to
absolut positions via "CGS tree tools -> Convert rel. to qbs. positions".
Another warning appears, speaking about snapshot and asking if going on.
-click "yes"
And here something strange happens. I see the geometry with one long
line (a cylinder) exiting from the Blakwhole box.
Exporting the geometry in FLUKA, the file "exported.inp" is obtained.
Now I should redefine the void to take into account the fact that empty
space diminished (a new body appeared).
Should also planes in region 10,11 and 12 be manually redefined, please?
Thank you,
----Messaggio originale----
Da: Christian.Theis_at_cern.ch
Data: 01/07/2010 8.46
A: <francesca.belloni_at_libero.it>, <fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org>
Ogg: RE: Roto-translation
Hi Francesca,
to my knowledge the option to translate full regions via ROT-DEFI cards is not yet available. So one way to do it in FLUKA would be the use of LATTICE as shown in the example you mentioned.
An alternative option would be the functionality provided by SimpleGeo for such purposes. There you can apply arbitrary transformations to each region or to the whole geometry. We've been using this to build full beam-lines using magnet prototypes that have been modeled only once and underwent subsequent transformation.
However, you need to pay a bit of attention if you're transforming regions that use bodies that are also used in regions that will not be translated. Furthermore, I should mention that you would get really different versions of the geometry for each transformation and not one unique version which you modify online by using a LATTICE or ROT-DEFI card.
More info can be found in the section "relative coordinate frames" and "creation of replicas" of SimpleGeo's manual. In case you need more info, let me know.
From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it on behalf of francesca.belloni_at_libero.it
Sent: Wed 30/06/2010 08:27
To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Subject: Roto-translation
Dear all,
is it possible defining one object and moving that with with a roto-
translation, please?
On the example http://www.fluka.org/web_archive/earchive/new-fluka-
discuss/att-0755/example.inp It's shown it is possible defining one composite
object and duplicate+moving that with the LATTICE card.
Is it possible moving the object itself, to set that in different
positions in different input files without redefining the object by scratch in
each *.inp, please?
Thank you,
Francesca Belloni
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