Dear Fluka users,
I am trying to build a geometry with lattice and magnetic fields and I am facing some problems.
First question. My reading of the online courses says that the magnetic
field should only be set for the prototype region. Since I have more
than one magnetic field, I am using a routine (magfld.f). But what
should be written in this file?
-Should I find the prototype regions with GEON2R and set the magnetic fields for them?
-Should I find the lattice regions with GEON2R and set the magnetic field for the prototype regions they correspond to?
-Should I find the lattice regions and set the magnetic field as it should be in the replica area?
For the moment I am using option2 but it doesn't seem to work. Anyway I would prefer to calculate
the magnetic field just for the prototypes as it is a much simpler expression.
Second question. I really would like to be able to set two replicas of
the same prototype to different magnetic fields. Is this possible? How?
Thank you in advance,
Received on Fri Jul 23 2010 - 11:38:03 CEST
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