Dear Turgay
I assume that you refer to the vertical rigidity cut-off.
You would have to sample uniformly the direction of the primary particle
on top of the atmosphere. Having this direction and the vertical cutoff
you can compute the nonvertical cut-off according to the Stoermer-approach
(you may have to transform the direction from the geographic into the
geomagnetic coordinate frame before). Finally, you sample the energy
between the lowest value according to the (non-vertical) rigidity cutoff
and any upper limit from the distribution on top of the atmosphere (i.e.
interstellar fluence modulated by solar activity).
On Wed, 4 Aug 2010, wrote:
> Dear FLUKA users,
> I have prepared an input file in connection with cosmic rays.
> I want to obtain muon flux at sea-level as a function of geomagnetic rigidity cut-off.
> How should I entered geomagnetic rigidity cut-off values in my input file?
> Thanks and best wishes.
> Dr.Turgay KORKUT
Received on Mon Aug 09 2010 - 15:07:11 CEST
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