Dear Ali,
> The linking and then making the modified version occurs successfully, but
> there is no option to "call" this routine in the input file.
provided that optical photons are generated thorugh OPT-PROD in the
input file and they cross a boundary, frghns is called
> However the net effect of perturbation in the "normal vector of the surface"
> and perturbation in the "outgoing ray" from the reflection would be the
> same.
> What I want is to introduce a Lambertian reflection law.
as I wrote, frghns is just expected to give back a roughness coefficient
in the FRGHNS variable, any other action on its input variables (like
direction cosines) is lost. In order to do what you aim at, you can go
through usrmed (recently discussed for other purposes): there you can
reset the optical photon direction cosines on your boundary surface as you
wish, and reflect it back (without forgetting in this case to put
Hope this helps
Received on Mon Aug 30 2010 - 16:38:10 CEST
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