Dear Fluka users,
in my simulation, apart from the rest of the geometry regions to which I
chose to assign vacuum so as not to have interactions , I have a simple 65
MeV pencil-like beam interacting only with a slab of Kapton, (region BRA in
the file) 5µm thick and placed at a distance of about 5.1 mm from the
The only detector that i placed is a one way scoring USRBDX detector, made
of vacuum and subdived into linear binning in energy and angle from 0 to
0.24 steradians and from 64.3 to 65 MeV in energy.
This detector is placed at a distance of 25 cm from the beam source..
Herewith attached you can see the plot that i obtained.
What i would like to konw from you is if it is possible to ask FluKa to
suppress the scattering parts which are clearly visible in the plot.
I tried to with any effort but they keep on coming out on the graph.
I pesonally think that those two components may be elastic and anelstic
scattering of protons against nuclei and electrons.
I also tried to suppress bremsstrahlung as you can see from the input file,
but no succes....
What would you suggest?!
Thanking you in advance,
Antonello Carloni
Dipartimento Tecnologie Nucleari Per la Salute
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