Dear Christina,
usrrnc is not the only user routine that can be used in connection
with residual nuclei scoring. The function comscw can be used to modify
the score in a way similar to what you have being done for fluence by
means of fluscw.
On Mon, 13 Sep 2010, Christina Urscheler wrote:
> Dear FLUKA experts and users,
> I have the following problem:
> I am working with a lattice geometry where the whole geometry is
> mirrored around the origin. However, in reality the geometry is not
> fully symmetric as some regions consist of a different material
> depending whether they are located in the original prototype or in the
> lattice region. I now would like to score quantities with different
> region based detectors (e.g. USRTRACK) on the condition of the scoring
> taking place in the prototype or in the lattice region. In order to
> achieve this I associate two different detectors with the same prototype
> region but with different detector names, one indicating a scoring in
> the prototype and the other one indicating a scoring in the respective
> lattice region. Subsequently, a FLUSCW routine is used to evaluate where
> the respective quantity has been observed by evaluating the
> MLATTIC variable and applies a weighting factor of 0 or 1 so that
> the correct detector will be used. For scoring fluence spectra this
> works very well and I obtain the different results for the prototype and
> the associated lattice regions which=A0have been assigned a different
> material.
> I tried to do the same procedure for the RESNUCLE scoring, but I am a
> bit confused, since the usrrnc routine is not a function but a
> subroutine. Is there another user routine suitable for this? I would be
> very glad, if someone could help me on this...
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Christina
Received on Mon Sep 13 2010 - 18:47:27 CEST
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