apparently you are still using fluka2008.3b2, could you please move to the
latest respin and check whether the error is still there?
| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: Alfredo.Ferrari_at_cern.ch |
| Switzerland || |
On Mon, 11 Oct 2010, Hantao Jing wrote:
> Dear Mr. Battistoni,
> I am sorry for reply your email later because I have deleted all
> completed jobs from our farm. In order to
> re-appear the errors, I re-run all the jobs on farm these days. I run about
> 90 jobs and two of all appear such errors.
> Every job has 50 cycles. There error jobs can complete but no data output.
> Please see the attachments.
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Hantao
> Jing
> 2010-10-11
> Giuseppe Battistoni wrote:
>> Dear Hantao
>> your problem is not a technical one. That error message is issued when the
>> PEANUT model cannot manage a physics case.
>> There is some probability that there is a real bug in the code.
>> Please send your input and all others possible additional files
>> (routines, data files, etc.) that are necessary to reproduce
>> your run.
>> In particular it is important to get also the last random seed (linked to
>> fort.2) left from a job aborting with that message
>> Giuseppe Battistoni
>> On Sat, 11 Sep 2010, Hantao Jing wrote:
>>> Dear fluka experts,
>>> Every time, when I run many jobs on our farm at the same time, for
>>> example 100 jobs,
>>> if I need to write output files to harddisk by using the card of USERDUMP,
>>> always, some job will stop or break with
>>> the following errors: STOP NO CHANNEL SELECTED.
>>> I believe that the reason is two many data are written to harddisk
>>> at
>>> the same time, because the harddisk can't recieve too
>>> many data at the same time due to the limitation of writting-disk speed.
>>> For
>>> this case, the FLUKA can't automatically wait or delay to write
>>> data. So the above error happen. I don't know if my analysis is right? Now
>>> for
>>> our small farm, only one harddisk to save all users's data.
>>> Though I already try to limit every file size (less than 1MB), but these
>>> errors still happen. How to avoid these errors and
>>> let every job work well. Thanks in advance!
>>> Hantao Jing
>>> 2010-9-11
Received on Wed Oct 13 2010 - 00:07:35 CEST
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