processing pawlevbin and flair?
Hello everybody,
I followed Alberto's kind advice (thank you for your answer).
I ran into another problem processing some tests after Justin's earlier
Everything is in the 3 last messages below between Alberto and me.
Any clue would be helpful.
Best regards.
---------------------------- Message original ----------------------------
Subject: Re: x-ray depth dose distribution
From: "Alberto Fasso'" <>
Date: Mer 17 novembre 2010 18:12
To: Sebastien Wurth <>
Bonjour Sebastien,
I cannot really help you. I am old-fashioned and do most of my work using
directly usbsuw and usbrea, and I use Flair only to get the color plots,
for one bin only would have no meaning.
However, from your mail it looks that there is indeed some bug in
pawlevbin and
flair, so I suggest that you submit your problems to the discussion list.
Probably Vasilis Vlachoudis will answer you.
Best regards,
On Wed, 17 Nov 2010, Sebastien Wurth wrote:
> Hello Alberto,
> Thanks for your answer, I took some time to reply, because I find it
> rather tricky:
> I ran a little bunch of tests with the file corrected from the EMFCUT
> issue (and geometry part changed into COMBINAT)
> About the USRBIN card:
> 1 bin in X, 1 bin in Y, 300 bins in Z :
> - Indeed the ascii binning is not empty and contains deposited energy
> - the binary one does not go through either pawlevbin or flair :
> * I got alternatively (almost random) a core dump from pawlevbin
> (segmentation fault) or a stop statement (STOP IRAXIS??)
> * from flair I got an empty plot (only geom) with a warning in
> the output window (warning empty cb range)
> 2 bins in X, 1 bin in Y, 300 bins in Z :
> - I got still the same problem with pawlevbin
> - it works with flair, I got the plot
> 2 bins in X, 2 bins in Y, 300 bins in Z :
> - everything works!
> Really not sure of anything here!
> Any clue will be helpful. I do not usually work with only one bin, so
> could not tell if this is an issue or not.
> Best regards.
> Sebastien.
> Le 16/11/2010 19:46, Alberto Fasso' wrote:
>> Hi Sebastien,
>> I don't know. I made the easiest thing, since it was a 1-dimensional
>> binning. I changed the binning output from binary to ascii and looked
>> at the file. I had suspected from the beginning a cutoff problem, so
>> I looked in the *.out file and the transport threshold was set at 333
>> keV. A silly feature of the program, by the way, since this default
>> threshold was higher than the energy of the primaries.
>> Have you tried pawlevbin and flair with the input corrected?
>> In any case, check first the ascii file, as I did.
>> Best regards.
>> Alberto
>> On Tue, 16 Nov 2010, wrote:
>>> Hello Alberto,
>>> I saw this unfortunate negative value for the photon thresold
>>> production,
>>> but was not sure if it had some influence or not (did not check the
>>> *.out
>>> file for the interpreted echo of the file just before the run, will
>>> do it
>>> tomorrow).
>>> What made me write this (rather stupid?) suggestion was that I got no
>>> plot
>>> by using usbsuw+pawlevbin (some error message at the end of pawlevbin
>>> process) and some error message in the flair output window (the other
>>> way)
>>> with only 1 bin in X and Y and a plot in the two cases with 2 bins in X.
>>> Do you think that it is only an issue on my machine?
>>> Best regards.
>>> Sebastien.
>>>> No, Sebastien, I made it work with just one bin in X and Y.
>>>> Rather, I think it was the negative value of the photon threshold that
>>>> made the card to be ignored.
>>>> About how to sample from a spectrum in the source routine, there is
>>>> a complete explanation in section 13.2.19 of the manual.
>>>> Alberto
>>>> On Tue, 16 Nov 2010, Sebastien_Wurth wrote:
>>>>> Hello again,
>>>>> I think there is something else, I checked and it seems that one must
>>>>> at
>>>>> least have more than one bin in X or Y in your USRBIN detector.
>>>>> With 2.0 bins in Y, and the proper transport thresholds, it works.
>>>>> Regards.
>>>>> S.
>>>>> ***********
>>>>> Hello Justin,
>>>>> I think you might look at this recent post of Anna Ferrari,
>>>>> especially
>>>>> the first part, EMFCUT part with SDUM=blank.
>>>>> (
>>>>> Then, you might use the user routine called source.f and activated
>>>>> with
>>>>> SOURCE card. Within this routine, you can define your spectrum
>>>>> with any
>>>>> logic that you wish.
>>>>> Hope it helps.
>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>> Sebastien.
>>>>> Le 15/11/2010 20:57, Cantley, Justin Lewis wrote :
>>>>>> Dear FLUKA users,
>>>>>> I am trying to create a simple depth dose simulation with 100 keV
>>>>>> x-rays incident upon water. I am having a problem in that all of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> energy is deposited in the first millimeter of my water block
>>>>>> (input
>>>>>> file attached). Does anyone have any suggestions as to what
>>>>>> needs to
>>>>>> be fixed? Also, after I fix this problem, I want to use an x-ray
>>>>>> spectrum (which I've also attached if it helps) instead of just
>>>>>> setting the photons to 100 keV. Even after looking at the manual
>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>> not sure how to do that, so any suggestions on that would be
>>>>>> appreciated as well. Thanks.
>>>>>> - Justin
>>>> --
>>>> Alberto Fasso`
>>>> SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025
>>>> Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569
-- Alberto Fasso` SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025 Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569 fasso_at_slac.stanford.eduReceived on Wed Nov 17 2010 - 22:09:19 CET
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