Dear Hemant Kumar Patni,
I got data about MCNP speed from Health Phys. I may not find
the reference, but remember that organ time was about 1-2 hours and
all organs calculated two days or so. MCNP team published oficcial
report about lattice speed tallies with speed-up 100-200 times at 2004,
but used it for some medical applications since 1996 or so.
Alexander Vlasov
PS. Sorry, I wrote wrong dimensions in my previous post.
Must be AM 254x127x222, AF 299x137x348
On Mon, 14 Dec 2010 11:15, wrote:
> Dear Alexander Vlasov
> We could compute organ DCCs for a monoenegetic photon beam by FLUKA in
> 15-20 minutes (although we used a large size of primaries 2x10^8). We
> have not used any variance reduction technique. Some of the FLUKA experts
> may comment on the aspects of variance reduction techniques for voxel
> geometry. I could not comment about MCNP as we have no access to it.
>> Dear Hemant Kumar Patni
>> It is really usefull data (seems, necessary dimensions: 256x256x220 for
>> MF,
>> 256x256x174 for AF). I also mentioned recent RPD paper about DCC with
>> of you and your colleagues. I still did not obtain full text and may not
>> estimate speed of FLUKA for such computations. Could you inform, if it
>> use necessary optimization for voxels. I am asking because MCNP start
>> to use lattice speed tallies only at 2004 and only after that DCC for
>> voxel phantoms may be calculated during few minutes instead of 1-2 days.
>> Sincerely
>> Alexander Vlasov
>> St.-Petersburg, Russia
>> On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 9:25, wrote:
>>> A segmented CT data for adult male and female reference phantoms are
>>> published in the joint report of ICRP/ICRU as ICRP publication no. 110.
>>> The link for the supplementary data is as follows:
>>>> Dear Fluka users,
>>>> I am looking for a publically available human phantom or full body CT
>>>> scan data set for Fluka simulation. Google searches provide too much
>>>> noise to find anything easily.
>>>> Thank you for your time,
>>>> Nicholas Bolibruch
>>>> Canadian Light Source Inc.
>>> Hemant Kumar Patni || Tel.: +91.22.2559.5351
>>> IDS, HPD, BARC || Fax.: +91.22.2550.5151
>>> TROMBAY-400085 ||
>>> India ||
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