Dear Beatrice,
you have Windows like line endings (CR+LF) in your ASCII file but you need
UNIX like (only LF). After processing the file with dos2unix it worked fine
(see below):
New number, old number: 1 1
New number, old number: 2 2
New number, old number: 3 3
New number, old number: 4 4
New number, old number: 5 5
New number, old number: 6 6
NO,MO 6 6
Cheers, Florian
-- Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Florian Sommerer Physiker Radiologische Klinik / Heidelberger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum Im Neuenheimer Feld 450 69120 Heidelberg Germany ________________________________ Von: beatrice pomaro [] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011 12:17 An: Sommerer, Florian; Cc: Betreff: Voxel Dear Dr. Sommerer, thank you for the reply; however I have the same problem also renaming the file as ashii_shi.dat both in the writect.f and the input file, that is while launching the executable file I get the following message: invalid number: incomprehensible list input apparent state: unit 30 named ascii_shi last format: list io lately reading direct formatted external IO Aborted (core dumped) I created the executable with the command: $FLUPRO/flutil/lfluka -o writect writect.f then I gave the command: ./writect but I have no production of the .vxl file but the error message above. I give in attachment the writect.f and the input file. Thank you again for your help, my best regards, Beatrice Pomaro Dear Beatrice, in the writect.f you open a file 'ascii_shi' while your file is called 'asc= ii_shi.dat'. I modified this line and could create the *vxl file without pr= oblems. Cheers, Florian PS: Please do not forget to zip big files before sending them to the discus= sion list. -- Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Florian Sommerer Physiker Radiologische Klinik / Heidelberger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum Im Neuenheimer Feld 450 69120 Heidelberg Germany Betreff: Re: Voxel Dear Dr. Patni, thank you for your reply; I give in attachment the ascii_shi file; it is ma= de of integer numbers from 1 to 5 distributed into raws of 194 elements lik= e NZ. I tried also with raws of 180 elements like NX or 240 elements like N= Y. I really do not understand what the problem is. Thank you for your help, my best regards, Beatrice Pomaro At 14.31 08/01/2011,< ow/ 1&Vs=3D191F252> wrote: >Hello Beatrice >Your writect file seems alright, the error message you received is due >to mismatch in the data format of 'read' statement in writect and the >data format in 'ascii_shi'. Could you attach ascii_shi in your reply? >Also, the size of the voxel and large data size are not the problem. > >Hemant K Patni > > > > > Dear Fluka users, > > I have some problems when producing the .vxl file for the voxel> > geometry in Fluka. > > I used the writect.f file I give in attachment to read the ascii > > file of a box made of: > > NX =3D 180 cubes > > NY =3D 240 cubes > > NZ =3D 194 cubes > > I managed to produce the executable but when launching it the > message> of the shell is the following, referring to my input file > (ashii_shi),> which is something like: > > > > > > 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 ? (for 40)> 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 > 4 4 1 1 1 3 ? (for 40)> ? > > > > > > > > > > invalid number: incomprehensible list input> apparent state: > unit 30 named ascii_shi> last format: list io> lately reading > direct formatted external IO> Aborted (core dumped)> > > > Should I modify the writect subroutine somehow? Is it> because the > data are too many: 180x240x194 small cubes dimension 5cm? > > Thank you for your help, > > My best regards and also? my best wishes for a happy new year! > > Beatrice Pomaro > >Received on Fri Jan 21 2011 - 09:44:10 CET
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