Dear FLUKA users,
I'm a new FLUKA user and I encounter a problem when using the USRBIN for
DOSE EQ scoring.
The input file is simple:
1. A 24MeV proton source (cylotron)
2. A cylindrical target: 3mL of water
3. A 2m concrete wall
I would like to estimate the DOSE EQ (neutrons + gamma) due to the
reaction O+pF+n after the wall
It works with the 16O element but my target is a H2-18O. I think 18O doesnt
exist in the fluka library. Is it possible to add this element from the AIEA
MED 273 library?
Thank you very much.
Thierry Foehrenbacher
Responsable Metrologie-RaMsEs
IPHC Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien
Departement de Recherches Subatomiques
23 rue de Loess, B.P. 28
F-67037 Strasbourg cedex 2
Tel. : +33 (0) 3 88 10 65 63
Fax : +33 (0) 3 88 10 65 08
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