there are no data available in ENDFB-VII or JENDL-3.3 or JEFF-3.1 for
the individual Zn isotopes, only a (very old) data set for natural Zinc.
Hence no chance to have residual nuclei production data for Zn, at least
not in the standard way.
Apparently something is now available in the recently released JENDL-4.0.
I have no idea how good these data are, in particular if they happily
process through NJOY etc or not. In case they go through smoothly, an
updated Zn evaluation including residual nuclei infos will be included in
the soon to come FLUKA release
| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: Alfredo.Ferrari_at_cern.ch |
| Switzerland || |
On Fri, 18 Feb 2011, Chris Theis wrote:
> Hello all,
> we just noticed that there is no information on the production of residual
> nuclei for Zinc in the low energy neutron x-section library of FLUKA.
> Therefore, I wanted to ask if there is any specific reason for this and if there
> is a plan and timeframe to include it in the future.
> Thanks a lot
> Chris
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Chris Theis
> CERN/DGS-RP - European Organization for Nuclear Research
> 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
> Phone: +41 22 767 8069 Office: 892-2A-015
> e-mail: Christian.Theis@cern.ch www: http://www.cern.ch/theis
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Mon Feb 21 2011 - 09:30:31 CET
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