Dear FLUKA team: I note that an updated version of FLUKA (2010) is
about to be released. As a new user (and not a Linux expert) does it
install over the existing FLUKA installation on my machine, or do I have
to uninstall the old version first?
A related question has to do with the FLUPIX distribution. The current
version of VirtualBox is 4.0.4, and the user interface has changed from
that of the VirtualBox version described in the 2008 installation
instructions posted on the FLUKA site. For example, in Step 4 - Change
the settings - there is no longer a check box for "mount CD/DVD Drive".
Will FLUPIX (and the installation instructions) also be updated?
Thanks, and regards,
Phil Loscoe
Received on Fri Mar 11 2011 - 16:50:57 CET
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