Dear Fluka users,
first of all thank you, Dr. Vlachoudis, for the last
suggestion: I managed to simplify my geometry and now the problem
runs. I would like to resubmit my input file: a concrete bunker
shielding a UC2 target. Near the point of coordinates (400, 500, 370)
a small portion of the concrete shielding is created at a mesoscale:
aggregates and paste. It is a parallelepiped dimension X: 3,5cm Y:
3,5cm Z: 7cm.
The USRBIN cards investigate this volume with a resolution 0,2mm, in
order to catch the thin zone around aggregates, which is 0,3mm order
of thickness.
I obtained the plots I give in attachment; I expected, however, a
different behavior of the materials corresponding to the aggregates
and the thin area around them, because of different chemical
composition and density. Also I can not give an interpretation of the
plot of the deposited energy.
Does it depend on the USRBIN required resolution? Is the statistics
of results acceptable?
I would be gratetful of a check by your side,
My best regards,
Ing. Beatrice Pomaro
Universita' degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Costruzioni e Trasporti
Via F. Marzolo, 9 - 35131 Padova (Italy)
tel.: +39 049 8275605
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