Dear Gorkem,
the choice of the DEFAULTS card does not affect at all your results: by
chosing NEW-DEFA you set the particle transport threshold at 10 MeV,
EXCEPT for neutrons where the threshold is at 1E-5 eV. If low-energy
neutrons are produced you must see them.
As Mattias said you have a threshold problem for the (p,n) reactions in
> Dear Lantzelot and all,
> Thanks for prompt reply. I'm not really sure about 3 MeV proton beam
> give any (p,n) reaction in air. But DEFAULTS card description in Fluka
> manual says, particle transport threshold set at 10 MeV.(NEW-DEFAults)
> Can't I change the threshold to 3 MeV with PART-THRes card? ( I tried
> but it doesn't make any difference)
> Best regards
> Gorkem Turemen
> On 03/29/2011 01:18 AM, Lantzelot wrote:
>> Dear Gorkem,
>> Are you sure that the proton energy 3 MeV is enough to give any (p,n)
>> reaction in any of the materials? Please double check the threshold
>> for any neutron producing reaction. If you are not sure, try with
>> 10-15 MeV beam energy and then decrease it until you reach threshold.
>> Best wishes,
>> Mattias Lantz
>> On 28/03/11 14:33, Gorkem Turemen wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Why I can't score neutrons ? (generated from 3 MeV proton beam)
>>> However
>>> I can score neutrons when I increase the energy to GeV degree.
>>> I'm already waiting for suggestions. I attached my input file.
>>> Thanks a lot.
>>> Best regards..
>>> Gorkem Turemen
Received on Thu Mar 31 2011 - 18:46:19 CEST
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