Dear Jing,
dose in cables, epoxy resin and alanine is about the same: the dE/dx 1/rho of
charged particles is very close for most low-Z materials, and you don't need
very high accuracy to estimate radiation damage.
However, if you are really concerned about that difference, why don't you
calculate dose in each of them? Put in your geometry a sample of each.
On Mon, 25 Apr 2011, Hantao Jing wrote:
> Dear FLUKA experts,
> I want to calculate the radiation dose rate of 20m away from a
> Tungsten target bombarded by a 1.6GeV and 100kW proton beam.
> Then I use the dose rate estimate radiation damage and lifetime of cable
> and epoxy resin from the CERN measurement data (CERN-2001-006).
> I find that they put polymer-alanine dosimeters together with cable
> samples. In fact, the dose is absorbed dose of dosimeter but not cable
> samples.
> It means that I can't estimate the absorbed dose rate of cable sample
> and epoxy resin and must estimate absorbed dose rate of dosimeters by
> Or if I estimate the absorbed dose rate of cable sample and epoxy resin,
> how to converse it to measurement dose rate of dosimeter?
> So, how to use FLUKA to simulate the dose rate corresponding with the
> dosimeter and employing CERN measurement
> data to estimate the life time of cables and epoxy resin?
> Thank you very much!
> Hantao Jing
> 2011-4-25
Received on Thu Apr 28 2011 - 16:44:02 CEST
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