Dear Lucia,
When an isotope beam is requested, emissions from the mother as well as
subsequent daughters are generated. I assume the 'primary particles' you
refer to are the ones with the generation number assigned as one. The mother's
emissions may be differentiated from the daughters' emissions by looking at
the generation number. Emissions (betas/gammas in this case) from the mother
(132Sn) will have generation number =1, whereas emissions from subsequent
daughters (132Sb, 132Te, ...) will have generation number != 1.
Further, particles (betas/gammas in this case) coming from radioactive decays
may be differentiated from particles coming from interactions by the
event-flag LRDCAY.
I hope you find this helpful.
:) mary
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:owner-fluka-
>] On Behalf Of Lucia Sarchiapone
> Sent: 28 April 2011 17:48
> To:
> Subject: Isotope beam
> Dear all,
> I have an isotope beam (132Sn) and I want to know if the primary
> particles in my simulation are the betas and gammas coming just from
> the
> decay of the isotope 132Sn or also the betas and gammas from the
> residuals, namely 132Sb, 132Te and so on. In this case, how could I
> check it? How can I know where do my primaries come from?
> Thanks,
> Lucia
Received on Wed May 04 2011 - 17:21:07 CEST
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